In progress/ready soon
In progress/ready soon
In progress/ready soon
Main Perspective
Population Level (Macro)
Individual Level (Micro)
Individual Level (Micro)
From Individual Level (Micro) to Population Level (Macro)
Population Level (Macro)
Population Level (Macro)
This state-space dynamic system model provides a simulation of how each
variable contained in the systems map will be affected over time, given
specific changes to one or more variables. All studied variables
(unemployment, poverty, health, etc.) have to be represented by the
input data. Model provide results at the local authority level and allow
us to compare system-level effects of different (or no) policy
interventions over time.
This static microsimulation, using a digital twin of the UK population
as a data source, provides a granular picture of the impact of policy
interventions. This model enables us to examine changes relatively
quickly and with a relatively low amount of computational resources. It
achieves this by simplifying the relationships and interconnections of
an individual’s attributes.
This Microsimulation For Interrogation Of Social And Health Systems
(MINOS) dynamic microsimulation, using longitudinal survey data such as
the SIPHER Synthetic Population, provides a very granular picture of the
impact of policy interventions on different population groups. This
model uses individual-level data and simulates the transitions of
individuals across different states (such as health states) over time,
based on a specific set of models describing these transitions.
The decision support tool is not a model in itself. Rather, it uses the
available SIPHER models to provide decision support to policy analysts.
K-means clustering is a data-driven approach that allows users to
identify clusters of local authorities based on their performance with
respect to the utilised inclusive economy data collection. This enables
the identification of more or less inclusive clusters. In addition, the
association between these clusters and a number of selected local
authority level health outcomes is examined.
The estimation of area-level indicators for small geographical units
such as Local Authorities, MSOAs, or LSOAs is challenging. For example,
fluctuations in the number of deaths can introduce imprecision and
fluctuations when estimating life expectancy. Typically, these
challenges increase as the size of the geographical unit decreases.
Therefore, we employ a suite of specific small-area estimation methods
to address these challenges. This suite of methods can then be applied
to both non-synthetic and synthetic sources of data, such as the
synthetic population, to obtain area-level estimates for the dimensions
captured in the Understanding Society main stage survey.
The model captures an entire system, including feedback loops to allow
for the modelling of dynamic behaviour. In addition, the model allows
the testing of policy changes ex-ante - rather than retrospectively. The
model can capture both, increases and decreases (such as increases or
decreases in funding to supplement disposable household income).
A particular strength of the model is that it enables the examination of
immediate outcomes at level of individuals or households based on a
policy change. Aggregating the outcomes allows a user to derive changes
on the level of small geographies such as MSOA/LSOA, DZ, and local
authorities. Models can provide immediate information on how many people
will be affected, where those people live, and what their basic
demographic characteristics are. Aggregation allows us to identify
potential changes for specific geographical areas of interest.
Designated longitudinal approach for the individual-level while outcomes
can also be aggregated to reflect changes for population subgroups and
geographical areas.
Can search over many thousands of different intervention options
(e.g. local communities, socio-demographic sub-groups, levels of
intervention) to reveal trade-offs between outcomes.
A summarising cluster solution clearly reduces complexity and leads to
intuitive results. Outcomes have a straightforward meaning. Another
strength of this approach lies in its ability to be updated and
transferred to other sets of indicators or used over time.
The suite of models aims to account for fluctuations and increase
reliability of small-area estimates. This enables us to obtain reliable
estimations given potentially unreliable data situations. The use of
synthetic data can help to navigate situations in which no non-synthetic
data would be available at all.
Any change to be modelled must be quantifiable by the model. This means
that changes in variables which are not explicitly covered or for which
there is no dependency will not become visible in the model. This
implies that results are sensitive to pre-defined pathways which were
specified in the systems map. Another limitation is posed by the
assumption of known causal pathways between domains. This can be
problematic in some cases and requires careful consideration and good
justification. Furthermore, assumptions on the time frame for causal
relationships needs strong justification and supporting information,
which might not always be available. Finally, all modelled policy
interventions need to be attributable to the LA level.
Limitations of the synthetic population apply.
Interventions can be applied to specific variables, and outcomes applied
to specific health variables.
The decision support tool is dependent on SIPHER models and therefore
subject to the limitations of these underlying models. Synthetic
Population, Dynamic Systems Model and Dynamic Microsimulation can all be
integrated but their limitations will then apply to the resulting
decision support tool. It is important to note that the decision support
tool is not intended to be used as a decision making tool. Rather the
tool will provide a range of possible answers reflecting the trade-offs
associated with potential decisions. The tool does not make any
decisions - this responsibility rests with the user.
In some cases, the achieved reduction in complexity might not be
desired. It is a limitation that complete observations are required
which often adds another preparatory step to the process (imputation of
missing data). As a data-driven algorithm there are only limited options
to intervene, for example with respect to the number of optimal
Despite its advantages of dealing with small numbers, these methods
cannot resolve situations where no data is available at all. The
interpretation of results obtained from synthetic data needs care - for
example, when interpreting very specific attributes for a very distinct
geographical region.
Local Authority level for Scotland/England/Wales.
LSOA/MSOA/DZ, and local authority level for Scotland, England, and
DZ/LSOA Level for Scotland, England, and Wales
Adopts the same geographical perspective as the SIPHER models that have
been integrated - typically it is matched to the needs of the policy
partner (so we have created Sheffield, Greater Manchester, Scotland (and
Scottish LA) versions of the tool).
The clustering is currently based on all local authorities in Scotland,
England, and Wales. A previous application covered the LSOA level for
selected English Local Authorities.
The most common geographical level reflects the Local Authority level
for England, Scotland, and Wales. In addition, estimates can be derived
for the MSOA Level in England and Wales. Deriving estimates for the
Intermediate Zone Level in Scotland is currently in progress. Due to the
use of synthetic data, even smaller geographical resolutions can be
achieved for some indicators.
Time Period
Based on available and imputed data for previous years (currently
2004-2021). The model provides a dynamic annual forecast for a specified
period, for example 5 years, for each variable in the model.
Corresponding to the period covered in the underlying Synthetic
Population, for example based on Understanding Society wave k
The ‘jump off’ point for the scenarios is the latest period in the
underlying Understanding Society input data (currently wave k
(2019-2021). The ‘time horizon’ for the scenario is set at 2037.
Adopts the same time period as the SIPHER models that have been
integrated. Corresponds to the period covered in the underlying
Synthetic Population, for example based on Understanding Society wave k
(2019-2021) up to 2025/2026.
The current approach is cross-sectional, covering the last available
year (2020/2021). As data on inclusive economies is available for a much
longer period, it is planned to study the stability of clusters over
Estimates are available for 2004/2014 to 2020/2021 - dependant on
indicator and underlying data sources. Data updates and suggestions of
new indicators can be incorporated easily.
Adjustments / Extensions
Factors which can be modified include: the underlying systems map
(representing domains and their interactions), features of each
respective intervention (including the amount of uplift or
characteristics of recipients). In addition the method can be used to
capture different systems (environment, housing etc.).
All information describing individuals in all or only particular areas
can be seen as potentially modifiable. For example, income, employment
status, health etc. These interventions are typically informed by
previous research and are often referred to as “the morning after”
scenarios - situations., in which an immediate change to one or more
individual-level factors has occurred instantaneously.
Features of each respective intervention, including the amount of uplift
or characteristics of recipients receiving the uplift.
Potential adjustments include characteristics of the underlying models
as well as features and the geographical granularity of the reported
Adjustments to the current model include the number of clusters, a
designated focus on one or more UK Nations (Scotland, England or Wales)
in isolation as well as the respective Inclusive Economy indicators and
health outcomes considered.
Data updates can be incorporated easily. Ideas for additional indicators
are welcome and can be estimated given that suitable data is available
in a synthetic ornon-synthetic source.
Data Requirements
Aggregate level inputs for units of the studied geographical level
(e.g. unemployment rate for the LA). Sufficient longitudinal data is
required for all variables to validate the model. Cross-sectional data
can supplement the longitudinal data for model determination.
Domain-specific definitions need to be similar across all geographical
units. Please note that different indicators have been selected for
England and Wales and Scotland due to data availability.
Synthetic Population (see Product Guide details)
Understanding Society (waves a-k). If spatial results are required, the
latest version of the Synthetic Population (see data for details).
The decision support tool requires results from other SIPHER models. In
addition, information on the intervention as well as cost-effectiveness
assumptions are required.
Aggregate-level information for geographical areas on a selected set of
indicators. Indicators can come from various different sources, but each
indicator must have been measured consistently across observation units.
For k-means to work properly, the level of missing information should be
0%. In case any information is missing, imputation methods can be
utilised to achieve this requirement.
This is indicator dependent. For some indicators, all required data is
free and publicly available via ONS/NRS vital statistics data on
population, deaths, and health outcomes. In particular for those
indicators combining mortality and health information (e.g., QALE)
access to the General and Special License of Understanding Society is
required - depending on the level of geography required. If the
underlying data source is synthetic data, such as the synthetic
population, requirements of this source apply.
Typical applications include a systems behaviour as a result of policy
interventions, such as interventions to improve poverty, living wage,
participation in employment, skills and qualification. In addition, this
set of models can help to answer questions about the potential impact of
direct policy responses to the current cost-of-living crisis.It is
possible to forecast the impact of an intervention for a specific local
Number and characteristics of people affected by a financial uplift
policy or labour market intervention as well as total costs of this
policy for a particular geographical area
Shocks and policy interventions which can be expressed as changes at the
individual level. For example: changes to disposable income. Transition
models need to be constructed for new problems.
Applications include local community interventions on components of
wellbeing; spatial targeting of job creation schemes; impact of targeted
employment stimuli on health outcomes.
The method is currently used to cluster local authorities based on
inclusive economy indicators. It can be expanded to other indicator sets
and domains as well as other outcome measures (environmental
Estimated measures include measures of mortality such as life expectancy
and lifespan variation, measures of health such as SF-12 instrument
capturing physical and mental health, and composite measures combining
health and mortality. Measures at the household-level related to
cost-of-living are also available and can be obtained from synthetic
Modelling Assumptions
Models depend on a pre-defined systems map that describes how domains
impact each other and which domains can be subject to interventions.
These systems maps need to specify causal pathways between domains with
pre-defined time lags. Models also depend on data to provide evidence
for quantifying relationships.
Assumptions of the Synthetic Population apply.
The model relies on the assumption that transitions between states over
time - representing the characteristics of an individual - can be
modelled using a set of specified and measured characteristics of this
individual. In addition, the Markov assumption needs to hold meanings
that the time spent in a particular state (i.e. unemployed) does not
have an impact on the probability of transitioning into other states
(i.e. employed).
Inherits the assumptions of the SIPHER models that have been integrated.
In addition, assumptions on the costs and effectiveness of interventions
are required.
Clusters are identified based on the similarity observed units with
respect to a number of defined domains.
The major assumption is that small population sizes require specific
methods to account for random fluctuations due to small numbers. A lot
of measures, such mortality rates follow a very distinct pattern over
age (standard trajectory) which requires knowledge of this approximate
standard trajectory. When synthetic data is used, assumptions of the
synthetic population apply.
User Options
Which variable to change and by how much, corresponding to the policy
intervention (or shock/absence of intervention) which is evaluated. All
changes can be applied differentially to local authorities.
Character, target group, and magnitude of particular interventions. In
addition, the user can choose the geography level and select specific
geographical reasons of interest.
Character, target group, and magnitude of particular interventions. In
addition, users can assess the impacts for LSOAs/DZs within a given
Geographical and temporal focus. Intervention configuration options.
The primary option for adjustment is the number of clusters.
The most common options are the measure itself, the geographical
resolution, and year.
User Type(s)
Modellers, decision makers
Modellers, decision makers, descriptive overview to inform statistical
Modellers, decision makers
Modellers, decision makers
Provides descriptive overview to inform decision making and modelling
Outcomes are used as inputs in other models, for monitoring purposes,
and can inform decision making.
Examples / Link with Other Models and Data
Models of dynamic systems can inform individual-level approaches and
help to validate results which were obtained in individual-level
approaches. Works also in opposite direction: changes on
individual-level which can be aggregated and expressed on LA level.
This model requires SIPHER’s Synthetic Population.
This model uses SIPHER’s Synthetic Population.
The decision support tool uses the synthetic population, the systems
dynamic model, the static and dynamic microsimulations, and the
equivalent income utility function.
Can inform the interpretation of WS4 models. In turn, can inform WS4
model input.
Some of the derived health measures are used as input data in WS4
models, as outcomes for the association of clusters with health
outcomes. In addition, some derived health measures can be attached to
the synthetic population to represent area-level features as they cannot
be derived directly from the synthetic population.
Software Requirement(s)
R or Python
Options for Extension
Building different models for different systems. Modelling and
quantifying uncertainty.
All results can be combined with cost information where available to
conduct cost-benefit analyses.
Building different models for different interventions. Factors impacting
transitions can be adjusted based on different contexts and assumptions.
Alternative policy/intervention configurations.
Other domains for which indicator sets exist or can be created (crime,
transport, environment etc.). A k-means clustering approach can be
applied to individual-level life course trajectories.
Extension to a variety of small-area indicators is possible, such as age
trajectories of fertility rates, employment rates, emergency admissions
etc. In addition, different synthetic data sources can be utilised to
create synthetic populations.
Additional Resources
Paper describing applied static microsimulation to create the Synthetic
For documentation visit: and for code and more
detailed user instructions visit:
Preliminary results available upon request
Explore -
An exemplary pipeline, estimating a range of health measures:
Estimating quality-adjusted life expectancy (QALE) for local authorities
in Great Britain and its association with indicators of the inclusive
economy: a cross-sectional study BMJ Open March 2024 - Some
indicators are available through the SIPHER Synthetic Population